Tim Schnabel. I remember that name, I think. Wasn't he the thing we used to turn to get out of Mr. Hurst's classroom. Wait, no, no, no, that was the doorknob. Yep, that was the old doorknob, firlmy afixed as I recall, to the ooold door. Hmm....good times. That door was somthing, alright; always open...or closed...or kinda halfway there sometimes. It's funny how you see a doorknob so many times and you never think that it'll make it anything of itself. But here it is, reading and writing and going to Yale and really making a go of it. I didn't see that coming.
But more seriously, I do remember Tim a little. And speaking of little, he must be much taller now. I bet Delmar is not as high, however. Tim's sister Megan was in my class. Yep, Megan the 'Curve Killer', we used to call her. Nahh, just kidding, we didn't call her anything because we never talked to her or about her. She was always a good girl, though. Well, I guess she was, like I said, we never talked to her. She was crazy for jazz, I think. But enough about crazy Megan. Oh, one more thing...Robin Hubers once explained to me that she went over to Megan's to sleep over one weekend and Megan asked her if she wanted to do some homework. I told her she should let that be a lesson to her and to never speak to Megan again. No I didn't. I don't remember what I said, but I'm sure I wasn't funny or smart or helpful in any way. I'm much better now, though. But I never see Robin. It's just as well, though; I remember good times with the oold Robin Hubers, well, I mean the young Robin Hubers, actually. Yep...good times...oh, and she was a bitch most of the time. Boy, this turned out to be a 'hot & cold' trip down memory lane. But enough about Steve...(sorry, but "but enough about Steve" is a wonderful reference to Steve Childress, and ooold roomate of Brad Tinker. Brad and I used that reference often and loved it. You may or may not have known or remember).
Back to Tim. He, like his holligan sister, who shall remain nameless, liked homework. It may not be a coincidence that his name is almost Tim School. Well, not almost, but sorta. Maybe it's almost Dim Nobel or Tim's No Bell or Dems Noble, the latest employing a usefull phrase and a funny accent that I am confident has been uttered at some point in time. Hmm...maybe I'm almost Yeahs and Bird, you know, with a thick Brooklyn accent.
It occurs to me that we have a high percentage of well-educated lawyers or lawyers to be associated with TCCS. Well, not really a high percentage, but more than expected by me, not that I expected even one, no matter how much Lori Keyzer talked about becoming a lawyer someday because she liked to argue. I wonder what she's up to these days. I also remember her fondly...good times, good times. Bet she's not a bloggin Yaley, huh.